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Cybersecurity Governance

The objective of Cybersecurity Governance is to continuously improve the CSMS, to ensure the effective application on the project level and to maintain regulatory compliance.

Quma provides the governance team with intuitve tools and a clear approach based on the requirements of multiple regulations and industry standards.

Risk Management

Risk Management identifies, evaluates and manages potential risks regarding the product cybersecurity and defines mitigation requirements that form the basis of the Cybersecurity Management System.

Improvement Management

Improvement Management identifies, evaluates and manages potential improvements regarding the efficiency, usability and functionality in the form of improvement requirements for the Cybersecurity Management System.

Release Management

Release Management controls releases of the Cybersecurity Management System, including an assessment of each release against the risk- and improvement requirements. 

Reports and Requirements

The Reports Database and Requirements Database provide the knowledge base and rationale for decision making for all governance activities.

Audit Management

Audit Management organizes regular internal and external audits of the Cybersecurity Management System and keeps track of certifications and approvals.

Report Management

Report Management keeps internal, external and regulatory stakeholders up to date with the status of the Cybersecurity Management System and the Product Cybersecurity.

Escalation Management

Cybersecurity Escalation Management provides a formal, documented and independant escalation path, avoiding conflict of interest and contributing learnings from project conflicts to the governance team.

Product Assessment

Cybersecurity Product Assessments are conducted formally by an assessor independant of the project. They consider technical cybersecurity and compliance with the Cybersecurity Management System alike, contributing learnings from project issues to the governance team.


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