Cybersecurtiy Post-Development
The objective of Cybersecurity Post-Development is to avoid the introduction of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the production, operation and service of the product.
Quma provides the development teams a clear and intuitive approach centered around work products. The process and terminology are shaped by best practices based on thecybersecurity regulations, industry standards and years of experience.
Production Control
The objective of the Cybersecurity Production Control is to prevent the introduction of vulnerabilities during the production process, including wearhousing, preparation and logistics. It contains the cybersecurity controls, how their implementation and effictiveness is verified and the verification reports.
Conformity of Production
The objective of the Conformity of Production (CoP) is to verify that the specified product cybersecurity controls are actually present in each produced product. It contains the measures, the coverage of the production volume, storage and actions to be taken in case of nonconformity and is a key component for regulatory compliance.
Cybersecurity in the Service
The objective of the Cybersecurity in the Service is to prevent the introduction of cybersecurity vulnerabilities during the product service. It contains access rights, opportunity evaluation, traceable responsibility and trainigs.
The objective of the Cybersecurity in Decommissiong is to prevent the introduction of cybersecurity vulnerabilities during the decommissioning of product with a strong focus on the confidentiality of residual data.
Better automotive cybersecurity, but at half the cost and in half the time.
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